When Opportunity Knocks, Open the Damn Door

by candy barone Oct 03, 2023

It was several years ago when I was working with a client who was trying to start a new business endeavor, in addition to his already successful consulting practice. He was ready for something new and he had a vision.

We meet one day to start laying out all the pieces. And, we discussed what he was trying to accomplish, his main objective and key goals, and then what he still needed as pieces to bring the full puzzle together. 

As he talked, he starting mentioning several coincidences that seemed to just randomly be popping up, yet I noticed that he wasn’t making the connection of those occurrences.

He first mentioned that he needed an attorney to help him process a rather specific aspect of the business. That he also needed some marketing support, as that wasn’t his strength. And, administrative support. 

Through the course of our discussion and strategic-mapping session, he proceeded to share how he had received a call from an attorney friend, out-of-the-blue, who had presented him with some out-of-the-box ideas. 

Then, he mentioned how he came across another resource in his network that had some serious marketing chops and was connected to an outsourcing company who managed really good virtual assistants. 

As he continued, I realized he still wasn’t connecting the dots. 

Over and over again, he would say, “I just need to find the right resources and people to get started. I can’t do this until I have an attorney in place. I know I’ll get stuck if I don’t have marketing and administrative support.

To which I responded, “What part of being handed everything you want has not just been served up to you on a silver platter?

He stared at me, blankly. 

What?” He asked, a little shocked and taken aback by my statement. 

I repeated what I said, “Look, Steve, you just told me all the things you need in order to give this business a go, right? Then, you proceed to tell me that you just had a call with an attorney friend who gave you tremendous insight and some creative ideas, right? Not to mention, you then also connected with someone who can, not only, bring some solid marketing skills to the table, but also has a powerful connection for administrative support.

Did I miss anything?” I asked, trying to reiterate the point I was making.

Steve just looked at me, eyes wide and his mouth gaping, just a bit. 

Everything you asked for just showed up. Big time, I might add! I don’t know how much more of a silver platter you could ask for,” I continued. 

You asked, and the Universe delivered. What are you waiting for?”

Then, it hit him. 

A slow smile started to spread across his face and I could see that the ‘a-ha’ light just switched on and he was getting what I said. 

Opportunity was knocking. 

The problem is he was watching the wrong door. 

Steve kept thinking it was going to, that it had to, show up on a silver platter, wrapped in gold foil with a big, fat red ribbon on top … and, that it was going to come through his front door, first-class, where he needed to be present to sign for it upon receipt. 

And, I know he’s not the only one. It amazes me how many clients I have this conversation with, on repeat sometimes. 

You see, how many times do we get fixated on the how

We get an idea, and the juices start flowing. We envision that idea and start to play with all the possibilities. Then, we think we need control the how

We plot, we plan, we scheme. All in an effort to make things happen our way, on our timeline. That is supposed to show up exactly as we planned. 

And, we jack ourselves up, as a result.

We lock ourselves onto a fixed path … one, that often times, is not aligned with what we truly want. It diminishes the power of what’s possible, and it short-changes us from additional pathways. 

The Universe is responsible for the how, not us. In fact, it’s actually none of our business as to how (or when, for that matter). 

When we don’t trust the Universe, we knock ourselves out of alignment. We say we want this thing, but our energetic vibration, frequency, and beliefs are communicating something entirely different. We push out of fear, out of uncertainty, and out of our own lack of self-worth. 

We trust Amazon more than our own potential (and the Universe)

Think about it, we actually trust Amazon to deliver our packages more than we do this great, cosmic consciousness that surrounds us and makes everything happen. The same force that grows the plants and the trees.

I’ll give you an example. We place an order on Amazon. And, because most of us likely have a Prime membership, we expect and trust that whatever we ordered will now arrive within 1–2 days. 

We don’t, typically, go out and keep checking on when that package will get to our house. We ordered the item and then we on about our day.

We also don’t usually care how the package is delivered. We don’t check to see if it’s arriving via USPS, UPS, FedEx, or by some other carrier. We just know that it is coming, and that’s more than enough for us.

Even if a package gets delayed, we trust it’s still coming. If not, we get a refund and move on. Why is it that we don’t share that same trust and knowing for the Universe?

And, let’s just play with this a little more, say we? Have you ever had those moments where a package got delivered, and then you thought, “What did I order now? I wasn’t even expecting anything.”

Seriously, think about that … we order so much from Amazon, trust that whatever we ordered will arrive, that we don’t even keep track of what’s all coming to our house. And, then often times, we are suprised when it does. 

Imagine if we played with the Universe in the same way. 

Consider this: when you place an order (or ask) with the Universe, imagine if you just knew it was on its way? And, in knowing that, you also made sure that you checked all possible places it could show up (e.g., on your doorstep, in your mailbox, at a delivery site, etc.)

The options really are limitless. 

And, it doesn’t even matter. It doesn’t matter if it shows up on an actual silver platter, perfectly wrapped in foil with the red bow, or if it comes in a beat-up box wrapped in old newspaper that’s been through the ringer. 

What matters is that it shows up. 

So, when opportunity knocks … please, open the door (or a window, or vent, or anything else that allows you to receive what’s yours).

Now, let’s circle back to Steve. 

Once the light bulb switched on and he could see all the wonderful synchronicities that were lining up for him, easily and effortlessly, he began to see the real opportunity and began to take inspired action. 

He start the new business endeavor with passion, focus, and a new respect for trusting that he was fully supported. He now knew that when he was clear about what he really wanted, was aligned with the right intention and energetic vibration and frequency, and then got out of his own way, the Universe would serve it up and deliver it everytime. 

And, usually better than he could have ever imagined. 

He now has a thriving new company, where he was able to walk away from his other practice. The one that was actually draining him and taking him away from his family. He’s now created a space that provides him work and clients that truly light him up, and allows him to live life on his terms. 

We reflect on and joked about that conversation often. As he still finds it amusing how couldn’t see the forest for the trees, or the writing on the wall. He truly couldn’t see what was right in front on him. 

What are you not seeing in your own life, and/or business?

Where is opportunity trying to get your attention? Or, perhaps the Universal 2x4 trying to crack you upside the head to get your attention?

Have synchronicities, coincidences or signs been showing up, yet you are too fixated on the how to notice them? What if you broadened your lens?

I read a quote once that really hit me right in the gut, when I was transitioning away from my 20-year corporate career to build my current business more than a decade ago, and it went like this:

“Never ever return a gift from God that has been unopened or unappreciated.”

So, the next time opportunity knocks … open the damn door!

For more, please follow me on Instagram: @candy_barone or Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/candybarone

Be sure to tune into my podcast: Aligned As F*ck


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