The Significance of 'Going Yard' in Baseball, Business, and Leadership

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2024

What does it mean when someone says to “go yard”?

‘Going yard’ is a slang term used in baseball to describe hitting a homerun, when a batter hits the ball out of the playing field and over the outfield fence. The phrase is often used to describe a particularly impressive homerun, one that travels a great distance or is hit in a clutch situation.

The Cambridge Dictionary states that it means (slang, in baseball): to hit a home run (such as a hit that sends the ball so far that the batter and any players on bases have time to score runs) that goes over the fence marking the end of the playing area. In other words, it’s a freakin’ big hit!

Thought to have originated in the 1980s or 1990s, possibly from the phrase “hitting it out of the yard.” It is now a common phrase used by baseball players, fans, and commentators to describe the act of hitting a homerun.

Alright, so what does that have to do with business and leadership?

Often, as transformational leaders, especially if we own our own business, we find ourselves swinging for the fences. The bases are loaded, or the opportunities are stacked, and we find ourselves positioned to create a hit big enough that it brings several runs (or other opportunities) in as a result.

It’s like a cascade domino effect when the cards are stacked just right. 

Going yard doesn’t happen all that often in a given game, if at all. But, when those moments happen, especially when they are runners on the bases, it’s all too sweet to feel the momentum of such a big, powerful swing. 

As a diehard baseball fan, there’s no feeling quite like watching a hitter go yard — sending the ball soaring out of the ballpark for a home run. The sound of the bat making perfect contact with the pitch reverberates as it soars across the ballpark. It’s a moment of sheer exhilaration, not just for the player but for the entire team and fans alike. 

I would offer that the significance of “going yard” extends far beyond the game of baseball itself, as I see it more as a symbol of alignment, focus, power, strategy, and the ability to seize an opportunity when it arises.

In many ways, the concept of “going yard” in baseball parallels so many of the challenges, issues, and triumphs faced by transformational leaders in the world of business and beyond. Just like a baseball player needs to take a big swing to hit a home run, many times striking out in the process, leaders also find themselves needing to make bold, daring, game-changing moves to drive meaningful transformation and success. 

The Big Swing in Baseball

Consider the sheer impact of a batter hitting a homerun in a baseball game. It’s not just about the physical act of hitting the ball; it’s also about strategy, timing, and taking calculated risks. It’s about the momentum. 

It’s about reading the pitcher and anticipating his next move. A successful home run, especially if there’s base runners, can change the entire trajectory of a game, turning the tide in favor of the hitting team. Thus, injecting newfound energy and enthusiasm into the players and fans.

Similarly, in the realm of leadership, big swings are necessary to achieve significant progress and drive meaningful change. Whether it’s launching a new product, entering a new market, redesigning systems, or making organizational changes, leaders must be willing to step up to the ‘plate’ and take those bold swings. As Babe Ruth famously stated: 

“Never let the fear of striking out get in your way. Every strike brings me closer to the next home run”

Building Momentum

One of the most powerful aspects of going yard is the shift in momentum it creates. Suddenly, a team that may have been trailing finds themselves embracing a heightened sense of energy and determination, fueled by the outcome and success of that one decisive swing. 

This momentum can feel like a shot of adrenaline in the arm, where the energy becomes infectious, spreading throughout the team and igniting a sense of possibility, anticipation, and achievement.

In leadership, creating and sustaining momentum is equally vital.

Transformational leaders have the ability to inspire their people, rallying them around a shared vision and driving them toward common goals. Just as a homerun can change the course of a baseball game, big swings in leadership and business can shift the momentum of an entire organization, setting the stage for continued growth and sustainable success.

Stacked Bases Analogy

Imagine a high-stakes moment in a game with bases stacked, runners poised to score, and the pressure escalating. How many times is this the exact same scenario, or metaphor, leaders often feel in business when face with unforeseen challenges, issues, and uncertainty? 

In this high-stakes moments, leaders find themselves dealing with an array of issues, often all at the same time. Stacked bases represent managing simultaneous challenges or opportunities, where multiple factors must be considered, addressed and executed all at once.

Transformational leaders thrive in these high-pressure situations. They understand the importance of taking decisive action, leveraging the momentum of stacked bases to drive strategic initiatives and achieve breakthrough results. Just as a power hitter aims to clear the bases with a single swing, transformational leaders seek to capitalize on multiple opportunities, maximizing their impact and driving sustained success.

Balance Between Risk and Reward

Of course, big swings in baseball, like those in business and leadership come with inherent risks. Not every swing results in a homerun, and not every bold decision yields immediate success. Often, there are many strikeouts and losses in the process. 

However, just as baseball players learn from each at-bat, transformational leaders must embrace a mindset of continuous learning, growth, and resiliency.

Successful leaders understand the balance between risk and reward. They take calculated risks, backed by thorough analysis and strategic planning. They learn from their failures and their strikeouts. They course-correct when necessary, adjust their swing, and leverage their skills and past successes to propel their teams and organizations forward.

Bringing It All Home

In baseball, ‘going yard’ is a moment of triumph and celebration, signaling the power of a well-executed swing. In the realm of business and leadership, ‘going yard’ takes on a much broader meaning — it represents the courage, vision, and strategic thinking required to drive meaningful transformation to achieve significant results and sustainable success.

As transformational leaders, we must embrace the growth mindset of a power hitter, recognizing when it’s time to step up to the plate and take those big swings that can alter the game. 

By harnessing the momentum, addressing our stacked bases, and learning to navigate the inherent risks with resilience and determination, we can lead our teams and organizations to new heights of success.

Now, while you might not be a diehard baseball fan like me, the analogy still holds true. So, the next time you see a baseball player ‘go yard’, think about how this applies to leadership. For you can find inspiration in the big swings, just like in baseball, and apply that same energy, strategy, and momentum to your own leadership journey. 

The season to ‘go yard’ — in baseball, business, and leadership — is upon us!

To help you take those big swings and knock it out of the park, grab your free copy of my guide for leaders: How to Be a More Effective Leader



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