There's Nothing Weak About Crying: Why Cathartic Cleansing Is Highly Underrated for Leaders

by candy barone Apr 04, 2024

When it comes to leadership, we often think that emotions are a sign of weakness. The traditional archetype of a leader often is one defined by an embodiment of stoicism, resilience, strong demeanor, and an unwavering facade, leaving little room for emotional expression. We have been taught and conditioned to believe that these are admirable traits.

When, in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. 

As we continue to navigate and explore a more expansive definition of leadership, we find our narrative around emotional expression to also be evolving. More and more, we seek leaders who value authenticity, vulnerability, and empathy, thus creating a more approachable stance. 

This includes shedding tears. Where once we thought of tears as being a lack of self-composure, we are starting to better understand the power of our own ability to release, and the impact in has on our overall well-being.

In this article, we will dive into why cathartic cleansing — the process of releasing pent-up emotions and stress — is not only acceptable but highly beneficial for emerging leaders, and truly one of the most underrated attributes of transformational leaders.

What Is Emotional Expression Really?

Leadership is not devoid of emotions; rather, as complex human beings, leaders experience a spectrum of feelings ranging from excitement and inspiration to frustration and disappointment. They also experience emotions intertwined with fear, stress, anxiety, and uncertainty.

Being able to acknowledge and express these emotions appropriately and responsibly is, therefore, not a sign of weakness but a display of solid emotional intelligence. Leaders who understand and fully embrace their feelings and emotions in a constructive manner are better equipped to navigate challenges, connect with their teams, demonstrate vulnerability, build high trust cultures, and make informed decisions.

Emotions are a natural part of the human experience, that doesn’t exclude our professional settings and leadership roles. The nature and complexity of what leaders face can be quite demanding and harrowing, thuse evoking various emotions such as frustration, anger, empathy, and joy.

Benefits of Emotional Expression for Leaders

Expressing healthy emotions allows leaders to foster a deeper sense of self-awareness — a cornerstone of effective leadership and decision-making. 

When leaders are equipped to understand their emotional triggers, reactions, and responses, leaders then are aptly able to manage higher levels of stress, communicate more authentically with their people, and build stronger relationships built on trust within their teams. 

Expressing emotions allows leaders to connect with their own feelings and understand the underlying causes of their reactions. It also cultivates a culture of openness and empathy within organizations, leading to improved collaboration and morale.

When leaders express their emotions appropriately, it can create a more inclusive and compassionate work environment.

Power of Cathartic Cleansing

Cathartic cleansing goes beyond mere emotional expression; it is a deliberate process of releasing pent-up emotions and stress in a healthy and constructive manner. 

Methods such as journaling, mindfulness, meditation, physical activity, and seeking support provide leaders with pathways to process their emotions, gain perspective and clarity, and promote a stronger sense of mental (along with physical, emotional, and spiritual) well-being. 

These practices not only reduce stress and anxiety, but they also enhance problem-solving, decision-making, and relationship building.

Why Leaders Need to Practice Cathartic Cleansing

Leaders who engage in cathartic cleansing experience a myriad of benefits. For starters, it assists with stress reduction, anxiety, and exhaustion. 

Reduced stress levels enable leaders to maintain healthy resilience and avoid burnout, leading to more sustainable leadership practices. Being able to emotionally express themselves, leaders are able to articulate their vision, expectations, and concerns effectively, fostering cultures of transparency, trust, and empathy within their teams. 

The emotional clarity and focus gained through cathartic cleansing enhances leaders problem-solving capabilities, enabling them to approach challenges with stronger decision-making skills and a growth mindset.

While the benefits of cathartic cleansing are evident, leaders may encounter challenges such as cultural stigmas or concerns about balancing vulnerability with authority. Navigating these challenges requires a nuanced approach that prioritizes authenticity, compassion, and vulnerability, without compromising professionalism and performance. 

Creating supportive cultures that value emotional well-being and encourages open dialogue and transparency often requires that leaders navigate these dynamics thoughtfully and intentionally.

Call to Action

Thus, healthy emotional expression and cathartic cleansing are not signs of weakness but critical pillars of effective leadership. Leaders who embrace their emotions, including permission to shed some tears when needed, demonstrate greater resilience, authenticity, vulnerability, compassion, and empathy — qualities that inspire trust and loyalty among their teams. 

By prioritizing emotional well-being and fostering a culture of openness, leaders can navigate challenges more effectively and lead with love, from love. As transformational leaders, let us challenge the stigma surrounding emotional expression and embrace cathartic cleansing as a tool for personal and professional growth. 

Want more strategies on how to become a more effective leader? Be sure to access my free guide: How to Be a More Effective Leader


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