What Are You Focused On?

you empowered strong Apr 03, 2017

Are you making time work for you:

People often ask me how it is that I am able to read so many books in one year ... when they see how "busy" I am. You see, I strive to read one book a week on average. Last year, I read 45 books in total.

So, how did I do it?

First, I want to address the notion and perception that I am "busy" ... which denotes that I am managing my time vs. managing my focus.

Busy is nothing more than a lack of prioritization, focus, and preparation. Sure, my plate is full, but it is filled with intentional, inspired action and discipline helping me grow and move to my next level.

Now, time is simply time, and we all have the same bucket to play in (whether we are Sir Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Oprah, Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, or anyone else) ... each of us has the same 24 hours each day with which to draw from. How you choose to use that time is paramount.

Leaders choose to use their time wisely to learn, to grow, to challenge themselves, to give, to receive, to be still, to meditate, to recharge, to nourish their mind, bodies and spirits, to witness, to think strategically and creativity, to play, and to feed their souls.

Each of these things are done with great focus and purpose. Leaders recognize that these choices determine the quality of their lives, their level of abundance and wealth, and their overall state of health.

As Robin Sharma would say, "I was honored to have a conversation" with Michael Singer, the author of "The Untethered Soul" today on my flight. Was he sitting next to me? No.

So, how was that possible? I opened his book. I read page after page and engaged with his thoughts, his words, and his ideas. I was able to go inside and ask myself deeper questions about "who I am," as a result.

In a few hours, sitting on a plane, I emerge different, more open and with a new perspective. It's really that simple. And, I even took a little nap to provide my body with the blessing of rest and recharge. Oh, and I wrote this blog.

I was able to accomplish all those things with intention. I emerged from my flight feeling refreshed and energized.

Now, as opposed to the two gentlemen who sat on either side of me both chose to spend their time the entire flying playing cards (solitaire) on their iPods. The difference in choices made is how I am able to read a book a week, this is how I continue to feed and expand my own horizons.

Now, I am not saying this to judge, but merely as an observation. We all have choices, and their is a responsibility that exists for all of us inside those choices. How and what are you choosing? Is it aligned with who you are, who you are growing to be, and what fills and feeds your soul?

If you want to expand your horizons and knowledge, are you embracing those opportunities and possibilities that are gifted to you to do just that? I choose to use planes and car rides (thank god for Audible) to expand my own development. Windshield time is a blessing for me.

As I recently saw quoted by Robin Sharma (one of my true gurus): "Stop managing your time. Start managing your focus."

And, my focus is to grow, to expand, to evolve, to become more awakened every day, to give more fully of myself and to stay open to possibilities. Essentially, to live my life on purpose full out, with great passion and intention for how I choose to show up and serve. This is my choice and how I manage my focus.

And, what better way to feed my soul than to have conversations with some of the greats: Wayne Dyer, Brendon Burchard, Robin Sharma, Paulo Cuelo, Elizabeth Gilbert, Brene Brown, Tim Ferris, Gabby Bernstein, Deepak’s Chopra, Richard Bach, Earl Nightingale, Gay Hendricks, Napoleon Hill, Don Miguel Ruiz Viktor Frankl ... just to name a few of my favorite people to engage with!

And, the list is endless! The giants and titans who I am ever so grateful to stand on the shoulders of in this lifetime.

So, the questions you get to ask yourself are threefold:
Who am I and who am I choosing to become?
What is it I really want for my life?
How will I choose to manage my focus and spend my time?

Sending heart-to-heart hugs,
- Candy


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