A Leader's Greatest Asset

you empowered strong May 03, 2017

Recently, I found myself talking with a good friend of mine and former colleague from my corporate days and I was adamantly reminded of the stigma presented around “vulnerability” that still seems to be so prevalent in business today.

There exists this powerful notion and implication that vulnerability is to be avoided, that by being...

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What Are You Focused On?

you empowered strong Apr 03, 2017

Are you making time work for you:

People often ask me how it is that I am able to read so many books in one year ... when they see how "busy" I am. You see, I strive to read one book a week on average. Last year, I read 45 books in total.

So, how did I do it?

First, I want to address the notion and perception that I am "busy" ... which denotes...

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So, How's Your Hustle?

you empowered strong Mar 25, 2017

So, I'm curious ... how's your hustle working? What are the things you have to do every day, every week in order to stay in the game?

Have you ever wondered what you are hustling for? And, are you even hustling for the right thing? So, many times we get so caught up in the momentum, and the day-to-day grind, and being busy for the sake of being...

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Destroy the NOISE!

you empowered strong Mar 23, 2016

March Madness is in full swing, which means it's time for high wagers and laying down your bets. So, what bets are you laying down? Are you betting on YOUR success? Are you ready to up the ante? Or, are you using "Spring Fever" as your current cop-out and excuse from upping your game?
Time to destroy the N.O.I.S.E. and get rid of those...

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Leadership Is a Choice!

you empowered strong Feb 08, 2016

As we all still are recovering from Super Bowl Sunday, both the game (congratulations to the Denver Broncos) and the commercials (were you are disappointed as I was that Budweiser didn't have a puppy commercial? What was up with that???), I wanted to take a minute to shine a light on the power of leadership, and how it shows up on the field (in...

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Need a Do-Over?

by candy barone Jan 31, 2016

"Decided my 2016 starts again on February 1st ... this was a trial month"

I saw a great quote today on Facebook that inspired my desire to write this particular blog. You see, too many times already I have heard you grumbling about how quickly January flew by, and that you still feel like you are trying to catch their breath and get over the...

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Learn how to masterfully navigate your chart with ease, make sense of the fundamentals, and simplify how to use your chart as a powerful resource in your life and business.
Decode Your DesignĀ Launches in October 2023