We Need More Mister Rogers in the World

by candy barone Oct 09, 2023

“Won’t you be my neighbor?”

The iconic line said in every episode of the long-running children’s TV show, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. This show, being my favorite as a kid and into my college years, ran for an amazing 33 seasons (from 1968–2001).

Believe it or not, I even scheduled my engineering classes...

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Sunday Slowdown: Creating Space for Softness, Stillness & Sacred Soul Food

by candy barone Oct 08, 2023

Oh, how we live in a frenetic culture with it’s constant demands to wind and grind, burn and churn, and hustle for the muscle. 

We live on this perpetual hamster wheel, where we get up, slog through our mornings, go to work (even if just to our home offices), do a lot of busiwork (often that which has very little meaning), eat...

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Build the Puzzle From the Inside Out

by candy barone Oct 07, 2023

How to you put a jigsaw puzzle together?

We all know that the right way to do so, is to first start with the corner pieces and then the edge pieces, to build out the frame. 

Or, is it?

Have you ever watched a little kid put a puzzle together?

Now, mind you, I mean before we adults interfere and show them how. 

Most kids start with...

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Getting Emotional: Why Is That We Shame It Versus Celebrate It?

by candy barone Oct 06, 2023

I used to be ashamed of my tears. 

Oh, they used to frustrate the hell of out me. Whether something moved me, and touched my heart, or if it was because I was frustrated and angry. 

I have always been a crier, even though I used to hated that about myself, and I would do everything in my power to shut the tears down. And, the...

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Perhaps, It's the Messiness That Is the Real Perfection, After All

by candy barone Oct 05, 2023

Where does our obsessive need for perfection come from?

In many cases, it is a direct result of our upbringing, our generational lineage, and the programming and conditioning we received as kids. 

Usually stemming from the feeling of not being enough, not feeling worthy, or not feeling seen by those we seek validation and approval...

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1+1 = 2 … But, So Does the Square Root of 4

by candy barone Oct 04, 2023

We create such limiting perceptions around what’s truly possible. And, in our comparison of others, we tend to limit that view even more.

I see it all the time. And, truthfully, I have been guilty of it myself. 

We observe what someone else is doing, and immediately we think, “oh, I need to do that, too” …...

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When Opportunity Knocks, Open the Damn Door

by candy barone Oct 03, 2023

It was several years ago when I was working with a client who was trying to start a new business endeavor, in addition to his already successful consulting practice. He was ready for something new and he had a vision.

We meet one day to start laying out all the pieces. And, we discussed what he was trying to accomplish, his main objective...

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Baseball: A Great Metaphor for Leadership, Business & Life

by candy barone Oct 01, 2023

Well, to be honest, I am bit sad writing this post. The regular season for my beloved Chicago Cubs has come to an end. 

They were so close … so many times. The division, at one point, and then the wild card race, both were high possibilities.

Until they weren’t.

It came down to execution at the end. Finishing the momentum...

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Vulnerability: A Leaders Most Powerful Asset & ROI

by candy barone Oct 01, 2023

Recently, I found myself talking with a good friend of mine and former colleague from my corporate days and I was adamantly reminded of the stigma presented around vulnerability that still seems to be so prevalent in business, especially corporate, today.

There exists this powerful notion and implication that vulnerability is to be avoided,...

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I Told Myself "I Can't" … But, Actually What I Really Meant Is "I Won't"

by candy barone Sep 29, 2023

How many times have you fell victim to the debilitating notion that you can’t do something? 

My guess … probably more times than you can count. 

It tends to be a default phrase when the going gets tough. I can’t do ‘x’ thing. I can’t be vulnerable. I can’t let them see me sweat. I...

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