Taylor Swift: The Perfect Example of a Projector Become Aligned AF

by candy barone May 08, 2024

Let me preface this article by stating that I am not a Swiftie. I honestly have only starting listening to some of her music. It’s not really my vibe. 

That being said, her new album, The Tortured Poets Department (especially the anthology) might just change my mind and turn me into one. 

Unless you live under a rock, and even...

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The Power of the Ask and Leveraging Untapped Potential in Your Network

by candy barone May 07, 2024

Have you ever felt like you’re not fully utilizing the powerful connections and relationships within your network? 

Many successful leaders and entrepreneurs (myself included) struggle with effectively leveraging the untapped potential within their network. 

As business owners, entrepreneurs, and transformational leaders,...

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I Felt Something Deeper Awaken in Me After a Workshop I Ran Recently

by candy barone May 06, 2024

I was honored to be invited back to deliver a half-day workshop for a group of women leaders in Chicago. Our focus was to activate their Dynamic D.R.E.A.M. Roadmap™, the strategic blueprint to help them truly become aligned AF and to step into their next level of authentic leadership.

We explored their What, Why & Who, along with...

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Learning How to Be More Gentle with Ourselves, Especially in the Midst of Big Energy Moving Around Us

by candy barone Apr 24, 2024

You may be experiencing some big, intense (and, likely emotional) energy moving right now as the Scorpio Pink Full Moon passed through last night. 

Add that to the eclipse season coming to completion, the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus that passed through over the weekend, and the homestretch of Mercury Retrograde (which thankfully...

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The Wisdom of Human Design Doesn't Elude the Humanness of Our Journey as Transformational Leaders

by candy barone Apr 23, 2024

Today, one of my dear friends and Human Design mentors shared a powerful, vulnerable post, sharing some behind-the-scenes glimpses, where she has gone against her own design, and has fallen into old patterns and limiting cycles, despite her wisdom. 

Her honesty demonstrated how self-awareness allows her to be a better teacher and...

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Strategies to Destroy the NOISE - Part 5: The Limiting Effect of the "E"

by candy barone Apr 20, 2024

There are ways to call more abundance to you, and to make your dreams a reality more and more every day. But, first you need to address the limiting effect of the “E” in NOISE that is holding you back in big ways.

For the Excuses that Your Create and Perpetuate serve as an anchor to your higher purpose. It’s the ultimate...

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Strategies to Destroy the NOISE - Part 4: The Suffering in the "S"

by candy barone Apr 18, 2024

Oh, the suffering we inflict upon ourselves with all the shoulding (and shaming) we get sucked into: 

“I should go to college and get that degree. I should apply for that job. I should date or marry that person. I should start having kids now. I should be tougher and not be so emotional. I should know better. I should settle down....

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Strategies to Destroy the NOISE - Part 3: Oh, the Mighty "I"

by candy barone Apr 17, 2024

We live in a culture that continues to demand more and more. We find ourselves spiraling in perpetual cycles of frenzied hustle and increased levels of pressure to get things done. 

In addition, we get sucked into social media and the comparison game, where we measure our worth against some arbitrary metric of success we have bought...

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Strategies to Destroy the NOISE -  Part 1: Let's First Unpack the "N"

by candy barone Apr 15, 2024

Do you ever think about the power of the words you choose? How they can impact your business, your life, and the outcomes you desire?”

Let’s take, for instance, you intentionality when meeting with a client or prospect? Or, perhaps a first date? 

Usually you focus entirely on the outcome so you rehearse what you want to say...

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Decode Your Design Launches in October 2023