What If You Created Space for the Big, Fat, Juicy ‘Imagine if‘?

by candy barone Sep 28, 2023

We live in a culture that focuses far too much energy on all the “what ifs” that may of may not happen in your life on a daily basis.

Our energy is either spent rehashing the past, and playing that tape over-and-over-and-over again, or we spend our precious focus on projecting the worst-case scenarios we can possible dream up.


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Killing Us Softly: The Hidden Dangers of Coexisting in a Culture of 'Nice'

by candy barone Sep 27, 2023

I hate to be the bearer of bad news … but, the culture of ‘nice’ is not having the effect you think. In fact, it’s likely that the impact it is having is actually the opposite of what we believe and keep telling ourselves. 

And, it’s killing us (literally and figuratively).

First, let me start by...

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Busting Through the 3 Biggest Myths Regarding Human Design

by candy barone Sep 26, 2023

It was a little over five years ago when a client, in one of my mastermind groups, introduced Human Design to me. I remember the conversation like it was yesterday, as I was just coming off a very powerful retreat weekend working with a spiritual teacher of mine up in Vancouver.

There was so much healing that came through for me that...

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3 Steps on How to Visualize Your Future Self Correctly

by candy barone Sep 26, 2023

I recently read Dr. Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan’s book: 10x Is Easier Than 2x: How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More By Doing Less (after a friend’s high praise and recommendation) … and, let me tell you the introduction, alone, changed my life.

This book has now moved into my Top 5 Best Books for...

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Looking Back Over 10 Years

by candy barone Jun 19, 2023

Ten years ago, I flipped the table I was sitting at and started out on a new adventure.


It was Friday, May 31, 2013.


I did it. I did THE thing.


I left my corporate career to start my own company, You Empowered Strong. After 20 years climbing the corporate ladder, playing the game, and at times, selling my soul...

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My Journey with Mental Illness

by candy barone May 28, 2023

My mom admitted herself into the hospital when I was 15. She wanted to commit suicide. That was the first of two times. 

I found this out only by cleaning her room one day, as I came across her journal. Now, I am not normally one to snoop. In fact, I am a rather private person, myself … yet, something compelled me to lift...

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My Ongoing Obsession with Books

by candy barone May 13, 2023

A little secret about me … one of my love languages is books. I am being totally serious. I absolutely LOVE books. Always have. I am an avid reader and a voracious learner, and I can never seem to read enough books.


In fact, I found myself the other day, when I dropped off an Amazon return to UPS, stopping into Half Price Books on...

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A Double-Edged Sword: Living on Both Sides of the Blade

by candy barone Apr 19, 2023

There is this really interesting dichotomy we find ourselves bumping up against throughout all aspects of our lives …


You see, at our deepest level, we all crave to be seen for who we are. I mean, really seen. We seek that person or people who will really see us, really hear us, and really love us for who we truly are … the...

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Menopause: Let’s Unpack the Shit Show That She Is

by candy barone Apr 17, 2023


Okay, look I get it … menopause is not really the subject you are excited to tune into today.


But, once again, hear me out.


First of all, if you are woman over the age of 40, this is going to happen! And, you will thank me later where I share the inside look to help you prepare.


If you are already in the throes...

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Book Review: "Fast Like a Girl" by Dr. Mindy Pelz

by candy barone Apr 12, 2023

This past year has found me doing a LOT of research on the subject of menopause, the mighty “m” word, as this journey I have found myself on has truly kicked my ass.


Perhaps, you can relate?


That being said I found myself, a couple of years ago, listening to an episode on LeAnn Rimes’ podcast, Wholly Human (which...

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Learn how to masterfully navigate your chart with ease, make sense of the fundamentals, and simplify how to use your chart as a powerful resource in your life and business.
Decode Your Design Launches in October 2023