3 Questions You Need to Be Asking In Order to Stand Out

by candy barone Oct 20, 2023

To say the world, and just about every industry, feels a bit over-saturated is probably a mild understandment. It doesn’t matter what market you play in, it seems the traffic and noise are, at times, a bit overwhelming. 

I think about Roger Wayne and W. Chan Kim’s book, Blue Ocean Strategy and how many people are still...

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Energy Is Everything: Why You Need to Be the Conductor

by candy barone Oct 19, 2023

In Physics, we learn that a conductor is the material, or vehicle, in which electricity (a form of energy) travels. Metals (e.g., gold, silver, and copper) being among the best types of conductors. 

Conductors allow for electricity (energy) to move easily. 

Meaning there is little to no resistance in the movement of electrons...

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Root Down to Rise Up: Why It's More Than a Yoga Mantra

by candy barone Oct 18, 2023

“Root down to rise up.”

If you practice yoga, you may have heard this common phrase a few times, as most yogis and many spiritual teachers find this to be a mantra, or instruction, for how to live one’s life. 

But, what does it really mean? And, why should you care?

I personally love this expression, and felt a deep...

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The Writer's Toolbox: 5 Ways to Spark What to Write About

by candy barone Oct 17, 2023

At the end of September, I made a commitment to myself. A promise, really. I decided that in order to get back to my writing on a regular basis that I would commit to writing 90 articles over 90 days, consecutively. 

As I am approaching Day #23, I decided to share my declaration with my community, as I wanted to ask for their...

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Unbreakable Bonds: Honoring Commitments to Yourself First

by candy barone Oct 16, 2023

What exactly is a promise? 

A promise is a declaration of a specific intention. It’s a commitment or vow to deliver something based on a set expectation. It’s a contract.

Even if that contract, or agreement, is with yourself. 

Yet, as we are constantly in motion, and find ourselves in the hustle and bustle of things, we...

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Cathartic Cleansing: Why You Need to Create a Practice for Yourself

by candy barone Oct 15, 2023

Crying is good for the soul.

It cleanses the body of a build-up of toxins, of suppressed emotions, and loosens all the gunk that gets stuck in our bodies.

We need to change our narrative around expressing the fullness of our feelings. For it is part of our nature to grieve, to cry tears of joy, to express beauty, and to connect with life...

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A Window to the Soul: The Solar Eclipse Is a Symbol of Transformation

by candy barone Oct 14, 2023

Depending on where you live, you may have been able to witness the solar eclipse we experienced earlier today, along with this new lunar cycle. I live in Austin, so you definitely could see aspects of it as it moved through.

 Things got dark, and you could see the orb around the sun. 

This particular solar eclipse, called the...

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Navigating Grief: It's Not Linear or Logical

by candy barone Oct 13, 2023

It’s been nearly a year since I said goodbye to my sweet, Payton. After a decade together, which was not nearly enough time, my sweet baby boy was called to cross the rainbow bridge. 

Due to an unexpected rupture of a cancer tumor in his spleen (I had no idea about), my world turned inside out in the matter of 24 hours. Without...

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Are You In Integrity With Yourself?

by candy barone Oct 12, 2023

As a leader, how often do you check in within yourself and ask the tough questions? You know, the kind of questions that require brutal honesty. The ones that pull back the mask, dig deep into the layers, then excavate through the bullshit and noise to uncover your most profound truth.

My guess is … never, or not nearly enough.


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Taking the Edge Off: The Addictive Side of Burnout

by candy barone Oct 11, 2023

Sometimes I feel like “burnout” is the ultimate business bingo word these days. It seems like it’s used as a description for everything, and I feel as if we have created a culture that’s actually crazy addicted to it. 

Addicted to the burnout, itself; and also being addicted to all the ways we “take the...

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Learn how to masterfully navigate your chart with ease, make sense of the fundamentals, and simplify how to use your chart as a powerful resource in your life and business.
Decode Your Design Launches in October 2023