Let's Be Honest: Are You Half-Assing Your Life or Going Both Cheeks In?

by candy barone Dec 07, 2023

Ok, it’s high time we get honest with ourselves. Are you really going all in on the things that matter most, or … well, are you half-assing your efforts?

This question is one I pose with teams and groups. I start the discussion by showing a mindset cycle of potential versus results, and I ask the question: “Do you...

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Promises and Commitments: The Power of the Will Center

by candy barone Dec 06, 2023

Do you realize only 37% of the population is wired for commitment. That means 63% of the population isn’t wired that way. 

Seems kind of weird, doesn’t it?

Yet, it’s true … at least when we explore Human Design and seek to better understand how we make commitments, promises, and even our...

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Does This Take Me Closer To or Further Away from the Mountain?

by candy barone Dec 05, 2023

As we are in the home stretch for 2023, I wonder if you are taking time to really take inventory of this past year. Because before we start planning for the upcoming year, I offer that we need to assess both our current habits and our deliberate practices, and how we chose to show up this year. 

The question I feel needs to be asked is:...

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From Minds to Movements: Exploring the Nuances Between Thought Leaders and Transformational Leaders

by candy barone Dec 04, 2023

Leadership has become both a catch-all phrase and one that often feels a bit like a business bingo buzzword. In many cases, it has lost the depth of it’s meaning, and truly is up to be reframed and redefined. 

Never has there been a need for a more robust and proactive approach to how we choose to show up, and lead in our service...

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Grab the Paddles … Because It Seems Hope Is Flatlining

by candy barone Dec 01, 2023

There is prevalent energy running rampant in our culture right now. Too many people are focused on what we are lacking, thus holding onto a deep scarcity mindset. Whether it be in the assessing the economy right now or the state of the world, there is this collective notion of despair.

Add to that, the general feelings around systems, our...

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Why We Need to Broaden Our Perspective and Narrow Our Focus

by candy barone Nov 27, 2023

While we have progressed in so many ways, through technology and access to more information, we also have regressed. Everywhere you can see a prevalent energy of entitlement and a lack of accountability present. 

In many cases, it feels like we’ve gone back 50 or 100 years from all the progress initially made. Something seems to...

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Empowered or Enabled: Are You Training Your Teams and Employees to Be Accountable or Entitled?

by candy barone Nov 22, 2023

Let’s face it, we live in a culture of perceived entitlement these days. It seems like less and less leaders are taking real accountability, and that more and more people seem to think it’s all about them. 

And, it’s not just the leaders of big businesses or elected officials in our government, the sense of entitlement...

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It's Lonely At the Top ... Or, Is It?

by candy barone Nov 20, 2023

As leaders, executives, entrepreneurs, and business owners, we often get told and believe that “it’s lonely at the top.” 

That the higher you go and grow, the more you stand alone.

It’s competitive, cut-throat, and a dog-eat-dog world. Only the best will choose to play the game, for it comes with great sacrifices...

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Why Time Management Sets You Up for Failure Not Success

by candy barone Nov 16, 2023

The notion of time management is a bit absurd, if you ask me. It requires that you look at every hour of the day and try to match the “right” things to fill those spaces. It’s this plug-and-play approach to our lives.

Most of the conditioning we receive is that we should keep our calendars full. That time is a wasting, and...

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Three Essentials You Need to Rock Your Morning

by candy barone Nov 14, 2023

How you start your your day is everything! 

Look, I’m not a morning person. Never have been. It takes me a while to get moving and get the blood flowing. Especially this time of year, when the air is crisper and chillier. I would much rather stay buried under my piles of blankets, snuggled up next to my sweet little Ernie. 


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Decode Your Design Launches in October 2023