Let’s Talk About the Mighty, and Often Misunderstood “M” Word

by candy barone Apr 06, 2023

To say it’s been a journey is a mild understatement. To say it’s felt like a complete shit show … well, that sounds more on point to me.


“Wait, what is Candy talking about?” you might be asking yourself right now.


Well, let me tell you … I’m talking about the mighty “M” word.

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New Year ... Same You, Real You & More Aligned AF You

by candy barone Jan 03, 2023

“New Year, New You” … ugh, that expression drives me nuts, In fact, all the hype around the New Year makes me absolutely crazy, to be perfectly honest.


It’s like we pretend we have this arbitrary switch that we are suppose to turn on that is going to change everything.


And, then we wonder why we end up...

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Of Course You’re Being Judged … And?

by candy barone Sep 25, 2022

Do you realize that the biggest fear, aside from death and public speaking (yes, that actually ranks higher than death for many people … I’ll come back to that in another blog post) is being judged (and being criticized)?


Well, I have news for you … you’re always being judged.


And …



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Becoming Aligned As F*ck

by candy barone Sep 18, 2022

I’m not logical.


In fact, some would even call me bat-shit crazy.


I don’t make logical decisions. Often times they seem radical, out there, or even ridiculous.


I am not linear.

I am here to “bend time” and take dynamic, quantum leaps.


To be a tree-shaker, a table-flipper, a rebel, and a light...

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What Going Off-the-Grid Gifted Me

by candy barone Sep 15, 2022

As I mentioned in a previous post, I took an unplanned, and much needed, sabbatical this summer. What started out as a 9-day excursion to the mountains, and some time with some beloved friends, turned into going completely “dark” for more than two months.


And, when I say “dark” … I mean fully unplugged. Off...

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So, I Took a 9-Day Sabbatical … Uh, Make That TWO Months

by candy barone Sep 05, 2022

I needed to go off-the-grid, to go offline, to go quiet and get still, to go dark for a bit.


I was feeling old, familiar signs of frustration, fatigue, burnout … the kind I haven’t felt since my corporate days.


You see, I had recently taken on a new venture, a partnership … or, more of a collaboration, really....

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Baseball Is in My Blood: A Special Tribute to My Great Grandmother, a Woman Who Made Her-Story in a Big Way

by candy barone Mar 15, 2022

I am a huge baseball fan. I’m talking crazy, obsessed, nut-type of fan. In fact, when the Chicago Cubs finally won the World Series in 2016, I lost my freakin’ mind … seriously, it was both scary and comical at the same time. I get lost in the sport, emotionally, and totally invested.


You see, baseball is in my blood.


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Happy International Women's Day

by candy barone Mar 08, 2022
The glass ceiling is showing cracks.
Today (and every day), let's celebrate the women and men that are doing so much to improve gender equality, even though we still have a long way to go.
These stats celebrate the important roles that women play in our society, but they also help us to identify the areas for improvement and focus....
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Procrastination vs. Purposeful Pressure

by candy barone Mar 01, 2022

I don’t know about you, but I love the feeling of things coming down to the wire. You know, that adrenaline rush of trying to bring something in at the 11th hour … that feeling of energy that builds up as you think about how much time you have left. 


There is something about that buildup that opens up huge creative...

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Cathartic Writing

Twirling, swirling, spiraling, floating … I feel like I’m doing all of these things, yet none of these truly capture my current state, as I feel like I am all over the place these days. It’s also been interesting writing again, journaling every morning, as I find the words are grateful to be expressed, and that they want space...

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Learn how to masterfully navigate your chart with ease, make sense of the fundamentals, and simplify how to use your chart as a powerful resource in your life and business.
Decode Your Design Launches in October 2023